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U.S. media: the people's Liberation Army test wave -2 nuclear missiles may be related to the maritime disputes
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    "The United States of America Washington free beacon" website on August 21, 2012 in Bill - Geertz (Bill Gertz) article, Chinese forces last week on the new submarine launched ballistic missile flight test, the launch is in a new multi warhead, ground mobile missile launches a month later in the.

    An American official said: "2 new wave" flight test missile is August 16th morning, from a ship in the Bohai cruise new "Jin class ballistic missile submarine launched, the waters near China's northeast coast, west of the Korean peninsula.

    The United States Defense Intelligence agency spokesman declined to comment on the test.

    One official said, "2 new wave" missiles marked increase in China's nuclear arsenal is a "first strike nuclear missile potential".

    The submarine missile launch, be carried out after the Chinese test model "Dongfeng 41" road mobile intercontinental ballistic missile in July 24th, estimates of "Dongfeng 41" missile carrying MIRV reentry vehicle.

    In July 24th the "East 41" missile test is the first test of the new long-range intercontinental ballistic missile, the missile has been in a state secret in this test before.

    "East 41" missile was underestimated for the "East 31A" short range missile. However, two years ago, the The Pentagon began to confirm that this is a new type of highway development in mobile long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles, officials now say is "East 41" missile.
