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Express the Shenzhou eight spacecraft to return today goodbye in the earth from space will!
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    Xinhua News Agency report in November 17 after completion of the tasks, "Shenzhou eight spacecraft" on the evening of 16 and "Tiangong-1" goodbye, will be 17 in the implementation

of the spacecraft returned to the control, the returns cabin is scheduled for the 17 day 19 PM to return to the ground. At present, the main landing field area is located in central Inner Mongolia are ready to meet the "eight gods", the returns cabin. "The God eight" the airship in the outer space cruise for 17 days, and"Tiangong-1" target spacecraft successfully carried out two times of space rendezvous and docking, laid the foundation for the Chinese space station construction.

    The temple of God the eight two rendezvous and dockinglays the Chinese space station construction foundation

    In September 29th, China successfully launched the firstspacecraft "Tiangong-1", November 1st, the successful launch of "Shenzhou eight spacecraft", November 3rd morning, "Tiangong-1" and "Shenzhou eight" the success of the first rendezvous and docking. China has becomeafter the United States, Russia, third independent controlof space rendezvous and docking technology of the countries in the world.

    "Tiangong-1" and "Shenzhou eight" combination to fly 12days in space, on the night of November 14th completed the first space separation, and in that day 20 when the success of the second rendezvous and docking. Thedocking test success, further examination to test thefunction and performance of rendezvous and docking measurement device and the docking mechanism, access to relevant data, to achieve the expected goal.

